[section section_id=”” auto_generated=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_1″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][text_block text=”<p> </p><p>We have gathered some questions together that might help you out. If you don't see your question here please feel free to <a href="http://apollo1.nextmill.net/~justriteprod/contact/" target="_blank">CONTACT</a> us and we will gladly help.</p>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][divider style=”{"ruler_type":"space","space":{"height":"60"}}” _array_keys=”{"style":"style"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/divider][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_2″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][accordion tabs=”[{"tab_title":"How much do you charge?","tab_content":"What does your budget say?<\\/br>\\r\\nDoctors, mechanics, lawyers, videographers\\u2026 whatever profession you mention, experience and expertise matters more than any other factor and you do tend to get what you pay for. There are many moving parts in creating a video and what you really are paying for is the expertise and experience of the people responsible for the project.\\r\\n\\r\\nDepending on the level of complexity and the necessity for additional crew or specialized equipment for the shoot, a video production can vary widely in cost and time to complete.\\r\\n\\r\\nWe urge you to meet with us and discuss the message and vision of your project. Figure out who your target audience is and see what the best delivery options are for it.\\r\\nThe small time spent in consultation with us may prove to save you much more in the long run if things have to be shot again because something was overlooked prior to a shoot date. We know what to look and ask for to give you the best production possible."},{"tab_title":"What Else Can Effect The Costs of a Project","tab_content":"Other things to consider when costing out a projest: <\\/br>\\r\\nConcept \\/ Script \\/ Storyboard <\\/br>\\r\\nEditing\\/Graphics<\\/br>\\r\\n Actors\\/Presenters\\/Crew<\\/br>\\r\\nCamera\\/Equipment <\\/br>\\r\\nB-Roll \\/ Cut-away shots <\\/br>\\r\\nLocations\\/Studio Shooting and production time <\\/br>\\r\\nSet, props, equipment, extras <\\/br>\\r\\nStock Footage\\/Narration <\\/br>\\r\\nLicensing\\/Union Fees<\\/br> \\r\\nDirect or Third Party Production "},{"tab_title":"Where Do We Start?","tab_content":"Your best bet is to start with a consultation which can be held wherever necessary. We can also hold phone or internet conferences as well. The first step is to contact us and let us discuss your project and go through some basic steps to see what your needs are. "},{"tab_title":"Do We Need Story Boards or Scripts?","tab_content":"When discussing your project we can tell very quickly if you will need your production story boarded and scripted. More complex productions will absolutely require these two elements to better guarantee success. But even a small production with finite details may need a storyboard or script to keep things organized and flowing correctly. <\\/br>\\r\\nWe can help with these processes or include them in our services as well."},{"tab_title":"Can You Handle Campaign Volume Production?","tab_content":"YES! Bring it on! <\\/br>\\r\\nWe love a challenge and have production assistants as well as editors that can handle a strong production schedule. But to make sure, contact us to see what we have on the calendar and see what is available for you. We might be in the middle of campaign or big production and might be using our extra resourced people. But we will help any way we can."},{"tab_title":"Where Are You Willing To Work?","tab_content":"HAVE CAMERA – WILL TRAVEL <\\/br>\\r\\nWe can do productions just about anywhere in the country and have passports to travel abroad as well. If travel is required we will discuss with you our requirements for our crew and equipment. But most of the background details are taken care of by us. "},{"tab_title":"Do You Do Weddings?","tab_content":"We do just about any type of video production and yes \\"Live Events\\" is one of the things we do. We are open to the idea of shooting your \\"Big Day\\" and will make it as memorable as possible."},{"tab_title":"How Long Does It Take?","tab_content":"Video production is sometimes a lengthy process but when everything is in our hands and we start the Post Production process we can finish in about two to four weeks. "}]” _array_keys=”{"tabs":"tabs"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/accordion][/column][column width=”1_2″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][starry_heading title=”Background” subtitle=”Did You Know?” heading=”h2″ _made_with_builder=”true”][/starry_heading][text_block text=”<p> </p><p>Just Rite Productions was created from its parent company Just Rite Design Inc. After many years of working with web development, the need for integrating video with websites and the every expanding video webinars and conferencing platforms made it easy to get involved with video production. Just a few years later it was decided to create a division that would be totally devoted to video productions and the like. Aerial videography has become a newer facet of our services and just recently we have branched into video menu boards for their ease of use and viability in their market.</p><p>We constantly are looking to engage audiences and tell stories for our clients. There are a number of people in the background that help make things work and together we become Just Rite Productions.</p><h5><em>- Michael Moyers CEO/President/Founder</em></h5>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][divider style=”{"ruler_type":"line","space":{"height":"50"}}” _array_keys=”{"style":"style"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/divider][/column][/row][row][column width=”1_1″ extraclasses=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][milestones milestonebox=”[{"milestonebox_title":"Founded Just Rite Design","milestonebox_content":"Building websites and programming","milestonebox_icon":"fa fa-laptop","milestonebox_number":"2001","milestonebox_bg":"#3b5998"},{"milestonebox_title":"Started Just Rite Productions","milestonebox_content":"Began doing video productions ","milestonebox_icon":"fa fa-video-camera","milestonebox_number":"2004","milestonebox_bg":"#3b5998"},{"milestonebox_title":"Started Aerial Videos","milestonebox_content":"Bought our first aerial camera rig","milestonebox_icon":"fa fa-exclamation","milestonebox_number":"2012","milestonebox_bg":"#3b5998"},{"milestonebox_title":"Incorporated Just Rite Design","milestonebox_content":"Made Just Rite Productions a division of JRD Inc","milestonebox_icon":"fa fa-thumbs-o-up","milestonebox_number":"2013","milestonebox_bg":"#3b5998"}]” _array_keys=”{"milestonebox":"milestonebox"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/milestones][/column][/row][/section]